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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

You Know You're A Mom When-sDaze

You are up late @ night blogging & Nick Jr. is still on in the background.... and you may or may not be singing along to one of the shows!

Instead of picking up your kids toys before you vacuum, you just kinda push them into the correct direction WHILE you vacuum!

You have gotten the kids all dressed & ready to get out of the house when you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror & realized YOU haven't gotten dressed.  Or showered for that matter!


Vijay said...

excellent post ..fantastic blog alsiha your blog//pretty nice contents…helps to learn some thing for a non-native speaker ….attractive and cool article(this post u wrote ) is cool as like my cool blog(of course name of my blog..haha)

MommyLevan said...

yes very true about the vaccum cleaner! lol I just get the point I move the toys with the vaccum LOL

Jennie said...

The vacuum one definitely hits home! (Either that or I just kick them out of the way!)

I feel you on the last one. I think we moms are notorious for putting ourselves last!

Christina said...

Haha! I move toys with the vacuum, too, Ashley! And it's hilarious when those Nick Jr. songs get stuck in your head and you and your husband can sing along...As for getting ready, I can't imagine how tough that is with two little ones! I try to get up early enough to shower if we're going out, otherwise, I may get a mid-day shower while G's napping. :)

Shannon K. said...

So true on all of the above! I do the same thing with vacuuming, and showers are overrated ;)

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